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Biodiversity at Clawford Lakes

Caring for our natural environment

Welcome to the North Devon Biosphere

We are privileged at Clawford Lakes to live in a beautiful natural environment that sits within one of only six UNESCO Biosphere Reserves within the UK. Taking this as our inspiration, we aim to live in harmony with the natural world, manage it responsibly and protect it for the future, putting sustainability at the heart of everything we do. Sometimes, this comes at a cost for us, but we would rather it cost us than it cost the planet.

Biosphere Reserves are sites created by UNESCO that find creative ways for people and nature to thrive together. One of only six such areas in the UK, the North Devon Biosphere Reserve aims to “inspire a positive future by connecting people and nature today”. Covering the seas and coastline, meadows and moorland, rivers and lakes, it encompasses our location at Clawford Lakes and we are delighted to play our part.


As we grow and enhance Clawford Lakes, we are incredibly sensitive to our natural surroundings, with biodiversity at the forefront of all our decision-making. We work in harmony with nature, conserving our trees, protecting and enhancing our wildflower meadows, and carefully assessing and mitigating our impact throughout.

One of our more ambitious projects is the grass roof on the spa to promote biodiversity and provide habitats and essential food sources for wildlife, such as birds, bees, and butterflies. At a cost of over £40,000, it’s a big investment, but one that matters deeply to us.


For us, sustainability is about questioning everything we do and asking if we can do it in a more eco-friendly way. This has led to everything from recycling facilities across the resort to Electric Vehicle chargers for use by all guests.

In our restaurant, The Apple and Grape, we source from local Devon and Cornwall producers and suppliers. This cuts down our carbon footprint and, of course, it means you get to enjoy meals created with the freshest and best ingredients.


When you stay at Clawford Lakes, you are connected to nature. Whether you’re watching dragonflies swoop over the lakes, enjoying the fragrance of summer flowers or feeling the grass beneath your feet, that connection is restorative, a reminder that we too, are part of the natural world.

At Clawford Lakes, we see ourselves as careful custodians of our natural world, protecting and enhancing it so that it is there for generations to come. It’s our small part in caring for the planet, and it’s a lifelong journey on which we hope you will join us.

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